When the bottom dropped out of the economy in 2008, America entered its 2nd great depression with the loss of millions of jobs and several generations of displaced workers. The USA suffered horribly, and an influx of new jobless added to an already forgotten millions living in tent communities. After a couple years of trying to find a job by any means necessary, and after an unsuccessful stint obtaining a 'web degree' online, I had to get back to school. 


Matt Busch was always there online reminding me, that when I was ready, Macomb Community College was the place to go to get my degree. How elated I was to find out that I qualified for a Pell Grant! How ironic it is, that you qualify for a Pell Grant if you did not work the previous year. Having no steady gig for the couple years prior, I was so ready to get that degree! So many ironies, and it was such that I was puzzled how someone with less talent and skill could get that job and get paid MORE than I! 


It was the degree! 


Now! After three years! Let's see if what everyone has been ragging on me for years holds true:

Bring on that $million-a-year job in 2018 - 2019! 


Drop us a line

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